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Can't attend but want to bid on your favorite Live Auction package?

Register your credit card prior to EVENT DATE and set proxy bids for the Live Auction! What is a proxy bid? You set the amount you are comfortable to go up to on a certain Live Auction package, and we will have someone bidding for you in the ballroom on EVENT DATE on your behalf up to the ceiling you set. 

Please follow the directions below to register your credit card:

  1. Check the box "I authorize JDRF - Kansas City to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event. "
  2. Click "Next"
  3. Enter your live auction proxy bid information.
  4. Click "Next"
  5. Fill out your contact and credit card information
  6. Check the box "I agree to pay future charges, when I authorize them, according to issuer agreement."
  7. Click "Submit for Processing"

  *Your credit card will not be charged unless you are the top bidder.

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